My booth plan has been approved and I’m buffing my paintings for that unique encaustic shine!

In 10 days I’ll be on my way to Los Angeles for the Superfine! Art Fair.  Superfine! is attracting a young, emerging collector crowd which will be a new audience for me to test.  I’ve taken a look at the type of work being exhibited and there seems to be more of an emphasis on figurative, lyrical and realism than abstract.  I hope this works in my favor.  A steady glowing beacon in the onslaught of chatter.

Drip by drip it goes.  Like the weather lately.

Art fairs are physically and emotionally draining.  You’re on your feet the whole time; either talking constantly or not at all.  It’s the equivalent of HIT training for the arts.  I’m so lucky that a few friends will be coming down so maybe we can take turns to the bathroom.

It’s one chair and a 9 foot by 6 foot wall.  I’ll have 6 pieces on the wall and 9 in storage.  I pray they all fit in the car.

The magnificent 15.

I pray the car is empty on the return.

Visualize what you want to happen.  Intention is all.  I learned this again today from my horse who has been acting up which equates to wanting DIRECTION!  He has been waiting for me to take charge and RIDE!  No sitting on top waiting for something to happen.

So LA, here I come.  No more waiting…



PS:  If you’d like a free pass to this event email me and I’ll send you the info.